A Visibility Turn
12:00PM to 1:20PM
Louis A. Simpson International Building, Room 144, Princeton, NJ 08544, United States
In recent years, translators, scholars, publishers and universities have ignited various initiatives to bring more recognition to multiple facets of translation. Examples include the intentional inclusion of translators among faculty, what translations to read, what translators do, celebrations of the original writing of translators, and an even greater pressure to name the translator. At the same time, public-serving organizations want to learn more about translation to comply with language access requirements and to meet their own commitments to diversity and inclusion. This presentation explores current points of interest in translation against the backdrop of ethical questions surrounding the use of AI and societal obligations of greater inclusivity and language preservation, suggesting that this is a moment to bring together literary translators, other professional translators, educators, students and the general public to forge a visibility turn for translation.
Event Details: https://my.princeton.edu/rsvp?id=1953427