International Community

Support for Our International Community

The Davis International Center is committed to providing programs and services that support the growth, development, and welfare of international students, scholars and their families on multiple levels. Davis IC serves visiting scholars and foreign nationals who choose to permanently relocate. The office can help with employment-based immigration support, immigration compliance, non-resident tax filing and social security resources. Davis IC hosts programming that aims to promote cultural competency and understanding, encourage cross-cultural and practical adjustment, and enrich the experience of Princeton University’s international scholars and students.
Opportunities for Visiting International Students and Scholars
Resources for International Undergraduate Exchange Students
Princeton University has established exchange agreements with the institutions listed below that allow students from these universities to attend Princeton for study or research programs. Please note, Princeton does NOT accept short-term visiting students except those from recognized exchange partners.
- Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
- CentraleSupélec, Paris, France
- ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
- Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), Paris, France
- Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain
- University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
- University of Oxford (Engineering), Oxford, England
- University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Students arriving on the exchange are fully integrated into university life and have full access to all the services that Princeton offers. Academically, students will be assigned to a primary department based on their academic interests (for Engineering students, normally students should plan to take at least 50% of their courses in the School of Engineering). However, pending adviser approval, students can oftentimes take any additional courses for which they have the necessary academic preparation or background.
Visiting Student Research Collaborators (VSRC)
Every year, hundreds of graduate students from universities around the world apply to come to Princeton to participate in collaborative research projects, receive mentoring from faculty, and pursue their own academic and scholarly development through interaction with Princeton faculty, research staff, and student peers. The Visiting Student Research Collaborator (VSRC) status provides approved visiting graduate students with a recognized status at the University, allowing them to take advantage of a number of regular student benefits, including student health insurance, on-campus health care, e-mail accounts, library borrowing privileges, access to the gym and other campus facilities, and assistance from a number of offices, including the Graduate School, the Davis International Center, and campus and off-campus housing offices. Visiting Student Research Collaborators must submit an application directly to the Graduate School. Please refer to the Graduate School for application details.
Visiting Students Program
An advanced degree candidate or competitively selected postgraduate scholar from another institution who comes to Princeton for one or two semesters. The student has a particular need that can be met at Princeton: consultation with a faculty member, enrollment in a specific course or set of courses, use of a library or laboratory facilities, etc. A visiting student is charged full tuition and fees (or has them paid through sponsored funds), and may take courses for credit and receive an official transcript. Visiting students receive access to most of the same benefits as regular graduate students at Princeton, including student health insurance, on-campus health care, network and library privileges, and assistance from a number of offices, including the Graduate School, the Davis International Center, and campus and off-campus housing offices. A visiting student may at a faculty member's discretion be appointed as an Assistant in Research (AR). Except in cases where they are competitively selected postgraduate scholars, visiting students ordinarily are not eligible for other University financial aid or financial support. Visiting students may not be appointed as an Assistant in Instruction (AI). Visiting students must be approved by the Graduate School.
Graduate-Student Exchanges
A wide range of international study and research opportunities are available to graduate students, including the chance to conduct independent research abroad. You can collaborate with peers and faculty at partner institutions and use international resources to further your research.
Partner schools include:
- The Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BGSAS)
- German Academic Exchange Service (aka DAAD)
- Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (ENS-Paris)
- Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques
- Freie Universitaet Berlin
- Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Princeton-Humboldt Exchange
- Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
- The University of Tokyo
Global Scholars
The Global Scholars Program enables the University to recruit stellar scholars from outside the United States into recurring, multi-year teaching appointments at Princeton in all disciplines and regional studies programs. The scholars are incorporated into departments’ and programs’ curricula and events and engage in scholarly exchange with Princeton faculty and students. These appointments bring vital new voices from abroad to Princeton departments and classrooms to inaugurate and sustain durable ties between Princeton and academic centers of excellence around the world.
Princeton welcomes applications from students around the world. Tips for international students applying for undergraduate degrees are available on the Office of Undergraduate Admission website. International students considering applying to a master’s or Ph.D. degree program can learn more on the Graduate School website.
Princeton considers U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens alike in the admission and financial process. In fact, Princeton is one of only a handful of schools in the country that do not limit financial aid for international undergraduates, treating international and U.S. students the same in the financial aid process.