April Mahfil
7:00PM to 8:30PM
Louis A. Simpson International Building, Room 144, Princeton, NJ 08544, United States
Monthly mahfil -- a gathering of poetry and music lovers -- is a student- and community- focused event that aims to explore and appreciate strong connections between poetry and music in India. . . . . To explore and appreciate the strong connection between poetry and music in Indian culture, we will gather each month to closely read a few poems sung by well-known classical and popular singers and analyze them line-by-line in various contexts to appreciate the literary and aesthetic value of both the poetry and their musical rendition. We will end each gathering with inviting a participants to share their recitation or musical rendition of poems included in the reading packet of the day. Selected poems will be pre-circulated among registered members of monthly mahfil.
Event Details: https://my.princeton.edu/rsvp?id=1957477