Fung Public Lecture: 'Mobilising Dutch East India Company collections for new global stories'

May 1
12:00PM to 1:20PM
Louis A. Simpson International Building, Room A71, Princeton, NJ 08544, United States
Beatrice Glow is an American multidisciplinary artist of Taiwanese heritage. Stemming from drawing and painting, her practice spans sculpture, installations, textiles, olfactory experiences, virtual reality sculpting and ​p​articipatory performances. Bridging public history with just futures, she questions historical forms of visual and material culture --often in collaboration with Indigenous culture bearers, researchers and museums -- to reinterpret historic collections through contemporary and community-based lenses.​ ​. . . . Currently, Glow is an Hermitage Fellow and an artist-in-residence with the Mobilising Dutch East India Company collections for new global stories project, which involves researching the 17th-century Batavia shipwreck in Western Australia. She was the 2022-2024 Artist-in-Residence at the New-York Historical Society and a 2024 Creative Capital Awardee for her project Gilt/Guilt. Her recent projects have addressed aromatic cultural and trade histories and the global legacy of Dutch colonialism​ in partnership with culture bearers while utilizing digital technologies, such as virtual reality sculpting, to reflect shared visions. --- Event Details: