Reading Group: There is a crack in everything. Introduction to the Frankfurt School, Critical Theory and Negative Dialectics.
5:00PM to 7:00PM
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The thought of the so-called Frankfurt School - of Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer and their colleagues - can be considered one of the most significant innovations in 20th-century philosophy. Concepts like the dialectic of enlightenment, the culture industry, and Adorno's notion of the Non-Identical have become both canonical and, at times, mystified.. . . . In this reading group, we will explore key texts that form the foundation of this school of thought. By drawing on Marx's critique and simultaneously addressing socio-historical changes, their approach developed the Enlightenment ideals of freedom, progress, and equality further. In examining phenomena such as fascism and authoritarianism, mass culture and aesthetic experience, this led to a profound analysis of the contradictions of modern society and bourgeois ideology.. . . . Together, we will trace the genesis of these ideas, observe how they evolved over time, and consider their relevance today --including what Leonard Cohen's evocative lyrics have to do with all of this.. . . . Hosted by Kathin Witter. No prior knowledge is require. Texts will be provided in English after registering.
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