Screening: 'Buhay Khulay Rakhi' (let the doors stay open)

Mar 31
4:30PM to 6:00PM
Julis Romo Rabinowitz Building, Room A17, Princeton, NJ 08544, United States
Join director Nida Mehboob and producer Ali Usman Qasmi for a screening of 'Buhay Khulay Rakhi' (let the doors stay open).. . . . 'Buhay Khulay Rakhi' is a documentary film that narrates stories of violence, displacement and sometimes forced reunions. It covers the experiences of people committing acts of brutal violence while also showcasing stories of affection, care and love. Amidst the chaotic violence that erupted during the Partition, thousands of women and children were abducted or separated from their families. While there has been significant academic and literary focus on the women forced to live with their abductors, the stories of Partition's children have often been forgotten or overlooked. --- Event Details: