Journey Preparation

Terms & Conditions for Student University Travel
(Revised July 2024)
I am a student at Princeton University and will be conducting University Travel as defined in the Global Safety & Security (GS&S) Travel Policy.
- Fees and Payments: I understand I am responsible for any tax consequences with respect to the funds received from the University or support organizations.
- Registering Travel: I understand that I have an obligation to register the details of domestic and international University Travel with the Global Safety & Security (GS&S) office utilizing the Enroll My Trip system. I understand that I must maintain my contact details, including my emergency contact, and list all of the destinations to which I will be traveling; and that, if my plans change, I am required to modify my travel registration. I should book my trip with World Travel, the University's travel agency, or will forward my itinerary to the Enroll My Trip system using my Princeton email address to (which will partially complete your trip enrollment requirement) well in advance of my departure date.
- Health and Safety Preparation: I understand that in order to be well-prepared for my trip, I must read and complete all Travel Preparation modules available in Canvas (for trips or programs supported by the Office of International Programs) or in the Enroll My Trip system. I understand that I can also ask and have answered by the Global Safety & Security office and/or my trip or program organizer (as applicable) all questions I have about the risks I may face, and the measures planned or available to mitigate those risks.
- Immunizations and Health Review: I certify that I have received travel health advice from a health care professional(s) by email, and /or by travel health in person visit and will acquire and bring any necessary and recommended medication(s) with me during my travel. I understand that it is my personal responsibility to comply with the recommendations of health care professional(s), including but not limited to those relating to medications.
- Emergency Medical Treatment Profile and Immunizations Record: As a precaution in the event of a medical emergency occurring during my participation, (a) if traveling with a group, I will provide the trip leader with a sealed envelope containing my medical profile form and an up-to-date copy of my immunization record, or (b) if not traveling with a group, I will keep my medical profile form and an up-to-date copy of my immunization record on my person throughout the duration of my travel. I understand that I may use the yellow international certificate of vaccination form or a PUHS Immunization History form as my immunization record.
- International SOS Card and Assistance: I certify I have read the International SOS contact information and benefits in the Enroll My Trip system and have obtained an International SOS card. If I need assistance while traveling, including but not limited to assistance involving medical, security and legal matters, I understand that I should contact International SOS. I understand that for immediate medical assistance, I should seek help from a local hospital, followed by a call to International SOS (the location-specific phone numbers for International SOS can be found on the International SOS card) or Princeton’s Department of Public Safety (00-1-609-258-1000), both of which are available 24/7. Both International SOS and Princeton’s Department of Public Safety will contact the Global Safety & Security duty officer, as necessary.
- Conduct: I understand and agree to comply with the laws of the countries in which I will be residing and/or traveling and all applicable academic and disciplinary regulations, including but not limited to Rights, Rules, Responsibilities. I further understand and accept that while participating in an international trip or program, I remain enrolled as a degree candidate at Princeton University and, as such, I remain subject to all of the University’s standards of conduct. I understand that if I do not abide by these laws, regulations, and standards of conduct, I am subject to appropriate disciplinary actions, including but not limited to premature termination of the trip. If that occurs, I will return as soon as possible to the U.S. or my home country at my own expense.
- Vehicles: I understand I may not rent or drive cars or motorbikes in foreign countries (exception: Canada) or be driven by graduate students.
- Informed Consent: I am aware that there are inherent risks associated with travel, study, and/or work in international settings, particularly in developing countries. I understand that situations in these countries, including but not limited to those relating to politics, environmental conditions, culture, customs, legal procedures, and health issues, differ from those in my own country and at Princeton University. I understand that some of these situations are unpredictable and may become volatile and/or dangerous, sometimes within a very short period of time. I understand that in some circumstances evacuation may prove difficult, be delayed, or be impossible.
- I understand that there may be health risks associated with travel, including but not limited to those involving water quality, food quality and preparation, standards of hygiene, access to medication, as well as non-modern or inadequate medical treatments and technology.
- I understand that, as a trip participant, I must be able to function independently in a foreign setting, and that if my needs, behaviors, or actions place an undue administrative burden on the trip leader(s) or on-site supervisor(s), my participation in the trip may be terminated and I may be required by the University to return to the U.S. or my home country.
- I understand that there may be risks of transportation, including but not limited to those associated with older or inadequately maintained motor vehicles, poor or rudimentary road conditions, and different driving customs.
- I understand that as a foreign visitor I should avoid situations that have the potential to become volatile or otherwise dangerous, including but not limited to demonstrations, protests, and political events.
- I have read the relevant U.S. Department of State travel advisories, including but not limited to travel warnings, travel alerts, and country-specific advisories, as well as the relevant Consular Information Sheets. I agree to keep informed of these postings, as they may change from time to time.
- I have weighed the difficulties and potential dangers inherent in foreign travel, study, and work, the risks presented to my own health and well being, and my personal desire to further my educational experiences by traveling in foreign countries. I have had the opportunity to ask questions that have been answered to my satisfaction. I acknowledge that there may be additional factors that may not have been brought to my attention.
- I acknowledge the existence of the various risks in foreign travel and have determined they are acceptable. I acknowledge that my participation is voluntary and is not required as part of my education at Princeton.
- In consideration of Princeton University allowing me to participate in the program, I agree to be legally bound by this document and voluntarily assume the risks arising out of my travel in the countries that I will be visiting.
- Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk: I have reviewed and digitally signed the Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk waiver in the Enroll My Trip system.
By certifying acceptance of terms and conditions and registering my travel in the Enroll My Trip system, I acknowledge that I have read and understood my obligations as a Princeton University student while traveling on international University Travel.