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Displaying 11 - 20 of 88
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Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
BSM offers students the opportunity to take an intensive semester of mathematics at the College International in Budapest alongside other North American students. Courses are taught in English and taught by eminent Hungarian professors, all while living in the beautiful and historic city of Budapest.
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Carleton Global Engagement Program: Buddhist Studies in India
The Carleton Global Engagement Program is a unique opportunity for students that allows them to study Buddhism while living in a monastery and experiencing an engaging and supportive environment. Students have the opportunity to take Hindi language and also conduct an independent study on a topic related to Buddhist Studies.
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Center for University Programs Abroad (CUPA)
CUPA provides personalized methodology, language mentoring, and extensive academic, cultural and personal resources for students with advanced French language skills in Paris. Students will take courses across several well-renowned French universities, and the language pledge and homestay experience will allow students for deeper growth both in their language skills and cultural competency.
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CET Intensive Arabic Language in Jordan
For those looking for a full immersion, Arabic language program, look no further than CET in Jordan. Take a full course-load of Arabic courses, two language courses and two content courses, and live alongside other Jordanian students in a residence hall.
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Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a top comprehensive research university in a trilingual campus (English, Chinese, Cantonese). Students participating in this program may take courses by a range of departments as well as by the International Asian Studies Program and the Yale-China Chinese Language Center.
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CIEE Advanced Liberal Arts Program in Barcelona, Spain
CIEE Barcelona is designed for students at an intermediate level of Spanish who are eager to take their language skills to the next level by taking courses at Universitat de Barcelona alongside other Spanish and international students. In addition to courses in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Universitat Barcelona also offers courses in STEM areas of biology, chemistry, physics, and more.
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CIEE Advanced Liberal Arts Program in Seville, Spain
CIEE Advanced Liberal Arts is an excellent fit for those students who are already at an intermediate to advanced level of Spanish language and who are interested in taking a mix of university- and program-taught courses. Students have the opportunity to study and live in the beautiful city of Seville, the commercial hub of the Andaluz region with a vibrant history dating back to the 8th century BC.  
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CIEE Language and Culture Program in Lisbon, Portugal
CIEE in Lisbon is designed for students looking to advance their Portuguese language skills while also taking Social Science courses in Portuguese at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Students are encouraged to think critically, work independently, contribute to discussions, and participate in university life.
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CIEE Liberal Arts Program in Santiago, Chile
Designed for students with an advanced knowledge of Spanish, CIEE in Santiago allows students the opportunity to take a full course-load of content-based courses in Spanish at one of three top universities in Santiago. To encourage complete cultural immersion, students will live with host families and participate in different activities and excursions throughout the semester.
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College Year in Athens
CYA offers courses in English with a focus on Greece and the Mediterranean in the historic and bustling city of Athens. CYA places an emphasis on learning beyond the classroom, and many courses hold classes on-site, allowing students the opportunity to experience what they are studying first-hand and have access to authentic materials and artifacts.