Three Princeton seniors and one alumnus have been named Schwarzman Scholars

Three Princeton seniors and one alumnus have been named Schwarzman Scholars for 2024 and will receive a scholarship for a one-year master’s program at Tsinghua University in Beijing.
The Princeton winners are Class of 2023 members Genrietta Churbanova, Thomas Hughes and Oluwatise Okeremi, and Class of 2020 graduate Eric Stinehart. They are among 150 Schwarzman Scholars from 43 countries, according to the scholarship announcement.
"This year’s selected Scholars are keenly interested in learning about China, which is now more important than ever in this complex geopolitical environment,” Founding Trustee Stephen Schwarzman said in the announcement. “They are ready to engage thoughtfully with global issues and eager to make a positive impact on the world.”
Read the full article on the University's homepage.