International News
Welcome to the first Princeton Int'l crossword puzzle challenge! Please be sure to submit your completed grid to before April 15 to be registered in a contest to win a wifi-free translator device. Good luck!
Princeton University professor John Hopfield has been awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in physics(Link is external) “for foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with artificial neural networks.”
He shares the prize with Geoffrey E. Hinton of the University of Toronto.
Before returning to campus for the fall semester, 12 students had the unique opportunity to travel to Liechtenstein, Austria, and Germany to present original research on democracy and security.
On September 13, Brazil LAB kicked off its fall programming with “United States-Brazil: 200 Years of Diplomatic Relations,” a two-day symposium. Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, the ambassador of Brazil to the U.S. delivered the keynote address.
On Tuesday, September 3, the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) celebrated the start of a new academic year with a welcome reception for returning and new visiting scholars.
These days, it’s all too common to see a front-page story about a foreign government’s influence operation — secret attempts to sway the opinions of another country’s citizens through social media campaigns, paid advertising, hacking, direct emails, or SMS text messaging.
In August, the FBI confirmed that the Iranian government was behind a hacking scheme to breach and subsequently leak confidential information about both the Trump and Harris presidential campaigns. Last week, the FBI reported that the operation is likely ongoing.
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Results 11 - 13 of 13
Religious Leaders Reduce Intimate Partner Violence in Uganda
Intimate partner violence — or abuse and aggression in a romantic relationship — is a pervasive global issue. In Uganda, a primarily Christian country in East Africa, 56% of women who’ve been married report being sexually violated by a current partner, according to Uganda Bureau of Statistics....
Building Equitable Outcomes and Prosperity in Africa
Within 30 years, Africa will be home to nearly 25% of the global population. Experts argue it could someday become a global power, making it the focus of global development finance. Is there a way for Africa to capitalize on the moment and deliver prosperity to citizens?
World’s thinnest roots are ‘underground weapons’ in ecological competition
Most of us only think about the easily visible parts of plants — stems, flowers, leaves — but in a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Princeton ecologists Lars Hedin and Mingzhen Lu show that the hidden root systems beneath a South...