International News
Welcome to the first Princeton Int'l crossword puzzle challenge! Please be sure to submit your completed grid to before April 15 to be registered in a contest to win a wifi-free translator device. Good luck!
Princeton Int’l spoke with Wantchekon about peaceful conflict resolution and the African School of Economics, a project helping to erase some of Africa’s colonial legacies.
Conservationist Paula Kahumbu *02 has fond memories of a rustic one-month research trip on a Kenyan riverbank near a cattle ranch in 1994.
In February 2020, Noorin was a second-year computer science student at Kabul University. At the top of her class, she aspired to run Afghanistan’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
Princeton Int'l magazine
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Results 11 - 20 of 47
Sheldon Garon awarded European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant
Former Fed Chair Bernanke, Current Fed Governor Cook to Keynote Annual JRCPPF Conference
Former Federal Reserve Board Chair Ben S. Bernanke and current Fed Governor Lisa D. Cook will deliver keynote addresses at the 13th annual conference of the Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy & Finance (JRCPPF).
“Uncertain Futures” Authors Win Two Book Awards
Alex Gazmararian Ph.D. ’25 views climate change as the defining challenge of the 21st century and beyond.
Keeping a Pandemic at Bay: Lessons From the Tokyo and Beijing Olympics
Freshman Seminars Offer Deep Dives, Community — and, Occasionally, International Travel
There are certain things considered standard for first-year Princeton students: extra-long bed sheets, all-seasons attire for cross-campus treks, a laptop. But for some lucky students enrolled in freshman seminars with an international travel component, add to that list a passport and a healthy...
ESOC Conference Examines Causes and Effects of 1973-74 Oil Embargo
Thirty policy experts and scholars from the United States, Western Europe, and the Middle East met at the SPIA in D.C. space in early November for a conference on the 50th anniversary of OPEC’s 1973-74 oil embargo.
International Collaborative Brings Health Researchers to Princeton
Princeton's Digital Witness Lab Will Investigate How WhatsApp Misinformation Affects Elections Abroad
Across the globe, social media and modern hyperconnectivity has had indelible and often insidious repercussions for democracy. Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP) has been scrutinizing tech’s societal implications since 2005. Last year, CITP launched the Digital Witness...
In the U.S. and Beyond, SPIA Students Travel the Globe for Internship Experience
When students from Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs take what they have learned inside the classroom to the outside world, the knowledge becomes proof of concept. This year, nearly 70 SPIA students completed external internships — with federal, local, and state agencies,...