International News

Welcome to the first Princeton Int'l crossword puzzle challenge! Please be sure to submit your completed grid to before April 15 to be registered in a contest to win a wifi-free translator device. Good luck!

Creative writing professor Aleksandar Hemon’s life was upended by war. In 1992, he was a 27-year-old journalist on an international visitors’ program in the United States when war broke out in his homeland of Bosnia.

Princeton Int’l spoke with Wantchekon about peaceful conflict resolution and the African School of Economics, a project helping to erase some of Africa’s colonial legacies.

Travis Kanoa Chai Andrade, a 2024 graduate, and senior Nolan Musslewhite have been named 2025 Marshall Scholars to pursue two years of graduate study in the United Kingdom.

Princeton Int'l magazine
All News
Results 461 - 463 of 463
Sachs Scholarship awarded to Princeton seniors Kang, Tahir; Oxford student Duffus
Princeton seniors Jimin Kang and Aisha Tahir, and University of Oxford student Hannah Duffus have been named recipients of the Daniel M. Sachs Class of 1960 Graduating Scholarship, one of Princeton University’s highest awards. Kang was named a Sachs Scholar at Oxford’s Worcester College; Tahir,...
Summer 2021 - Global Virtual Courses!
Interested in taking a virtual global course this summer? The special courses included in this list are scheduled to be offered in summer 2021. Please note, dates and details included in this list may be subject to change. Check the program website or check in with the departmental contact...
Senior Kiara Gilbert awarded Marshall Scholarship for graduate study in the UK
Princeton senior Kiara “KiKi” Gilbert has been named a 2021 Marshall Scholar. The Marshall Scholarship seeks to promote strong relations between the United Kingdom and the United States by offering intellectually distinguished young Americans the opportunity to develop their abilities...