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Displaying 1 - 10 of 138
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Identity in the Spanish-Speaking World
What does it mean to be Latin American? Hispanic? Spanish? Peruvian? Latina/o/x? How are national and alternate identities constructed and why? How are ideas of belonging to the body politic defined in Spain, Latin America, and in Spanish-speaking communities in the United States from within and without? Our course will engage this question by surveying and analyzing literary, historical, and visual productions from the time of the foundation of the Spanish empire to the present time.
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Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in Cervantes
When the name of Miguel de Cervantes is mentioned, readers tend to think of the character Don Quijote -most often his idealism or madness. But far beyond that, the radically new work that is Don Quijote - along with several of Cervantes - other creations -offer unorthodox and challenging perspectives on race, ethnicity, gender, class, and human nature. His theater, his highly experimental Exemplary Stories, and the Persiles all offer Mediterranean dramas of exiles, slaves, captives, renegades and male and female protagonists in the confrontation of identity and the hegemonic categories of the Spanish empire.
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Beginner's Spanish I
An integrated approach to develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish in a cultural context to foster cultural awareness of the Spanish-speaking world. Class activities are devoted to acquiring and developing communicative and cultural competence through aural/oral practice, reading strategies, vocabulary acquisition, and language production. Audiovisual and other media resources are included. Five classes.
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Beginner's Spanish II
A continuation of SPA 101. The course continues to stress oral/aural practice with added emphasis on reading and communicative writing strategies. Students will read and analyze literary and cultural texts. Increased expression will be fostered through composition editing, videos, music, and film commentaries. Audiovisual and other media resources are included. Five classes. Prerequisite: SPA 101. The next course in this sequence is SPA 107.
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Intensive Beginner's and Intermediate Spanish
An intensive course that combines 101 and 102 in one semester. Designed for students who have previously studied Spanish. An integrated approach that emphasizes developing and reinforcing language skills. Students will be introduced to various cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world through literary readings, videos, music, and films. Audiovisual and other media resources are included. Five classes. Prerequisites: satisfactory score on Princeton Spanish placement test and instructor's permission. Followed by SPA 107.
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Intermediate Spanish
Specially designed for students with a good foundation in Spanish. Class activities reinforce language skills through aural/oral practice, grammar review, vocabulary acquisition, reading, editing, composition, oral presentations, and discussion of contemporary Spanish short stories, music, and films. Three classes. Prerequisites: a satisfactory score on the Princeton Spanish placement test. Normally followed by 108.
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Intermediate/Advanced Spanish
Designed for students who have successfully completed SPA 102 or SPA 103. An integrated approach to increase comprehension, and oral and written expression. Class activities reinforce language skills through aural/oral practice, grammar review, vocabulary acquisition, reading, editing compositions, oral presentations, and discussion. Students will develop their reading comprehension, oral proficiency, and writing skills through various multimedia activities. Five classes. Prerequisite: SPA 101-102 or SPA 103.
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Intermediate/Advanced Spanish
This is an intermediate/advanced language course that continues and reviews introductory level Spanish while further developing communication skills both orally and in writing. As an immersion course, language instruction will be complemented by a basic knowledge of Argentinean culture and society. By the end of the course, students will have a better command of the basic language skills: listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing; they will also have enriched their cultural knowledge. Class will meet four times a week in the morning with Wednesday afternoon and Friday excursions.
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Advanced Spanish
An intensive course designed to prepare students to enter 200-level courses, with an emphasis on reading, speaking, and writing. The course is aimed at developing advanced language skills through frequent writing exercises, oral presentations, discussions of current events, literary texts, music, and film. Three classes. Prerequisite: 105 or satisfactory score on the Princeton Spanish placement test.
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Spanish and the Latin American Mythos
This is an advanced Spanish course that focuses on pronunciation, oral expression, and writing skills. By analyzing myths, legends, folk tales, and fantastic stories, students will attain an appreciation for Latin American ideologies, values, beliefs, and cultural heritage. The course serves as a solid introduction to other 200-level Spanish courses and it integrates a variety of written, oral, graphic and cinematographic sources.