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Statistics & Machine Learning
Reasoning with Data
Data-driven decision-making, research discovery, and technology development are everywhere. It is now more important than ever for individuals to understand how data are used for these purposes. This course will introduce the student to how statistical reasoning and methods are used to learn from and leverage modern data. The emphasis will be on concepts and strategies for learning from data, rather than on sophisticated mathematics. Students will be exposed to the basics of statistics, machine learning, and data science through real world problems and applications. Students will also analyze data sets using the computer.
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Statistics & Machine Learning
Introduction to Data Science
Introduction to Data Science provides a practical introduction to the burgeoning field of data science. The course introduces students to the essential tools for conducting data-driven research, including the fundamentals of programming techniques and the essentials of statistics. Students will work with real-world datasets from various domains; write computer code to manipulate, explore, and analyze data; use basic techniques from statistics and machine learning to analyze data; learn to draw conclusions using sound statistical reasoning; and produce scientific reports. No prior knowledge of programming or statistics is required.
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Statistics & Machine Learning
Data Intelligence: Modern Data Science Methods
This course provides the training for students to be independent in modern data analysis. The course emphasizes the rigorous treatment of data and the programming skills and conceptual understanding required for dealing with modern datasets. The course examines data analysis through the lens of statistics and machine learning methods. Students verify their understanding by working with real datasets. The course also covers supporting topics such as experiment design, ethical data use, best practices for statistical and machine learning methods, reproducible research, writing a quantitative research paper, and presenting research results.
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Statistics & Machine Learning
Research Projects in Data Science (A)
Project-based course in which students work individually or in small teams to tackle data science and ML problems based on real datasets. We will emphasize critical thinking about experiments and large dataset analysis along with the ability to clearly communicate one's research. This course is intended to support students in developing the analytical skills necessary for quantitative independent work; students should consult with their home department about how this course could appropriately complement, but not replace, their independent work requirements.
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Statistics & Machine Learning
Research Projects in Data Science (B)
Project-based course in which students work individually/small teams to tackle DS and ML problems, working with real-world datasets.The course emphasizes critical thinking about experiments and dataset analysis and the ability to clearly communicate one's research. Programming components are taught in Python. Experience in only one of the two programming languages (R and Python) is required.This course is intended to support students in developing the analytical skills for quantitative independent work; students should consult with their home department about how this course could complement, not replace, their independent work requirements.
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Statistics & Machine Learning
Pedagogy of Data Science
In this seminar, we will explore the pedagogy of introductory data science. Students in the seminar will be required to work as undergraduate course assistants in SML 201 -- Introduction to Data Science. SML 201 topics will be discussed in more depth in the seminar, with a view of teaching the basic material. We will discuss literature in the pedagogy of computer science and statistics. Discussion topics will include teaching programming using the functional programming paradigm, the design of the dplyr package, simulation-based inference, teaching statistics using simulation-based inference, the grammar of graphics, and causal inference.