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Displaying 71 - 80 of 109
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Dictators and Their Demise
This course provides a broad exploration about how non-democratic governments throughout the world rule. We examine: the conditions that give rise to authoritarianism; the variety of authoritarian regimes; the strategies authoritarian leaders use to stay in power; the consequences of different types of authoritarianism for outcomes such as economic growth and human development; and the domestic and international sources of authoritarian demise. The course builds knowledge about the governments under which most people in the Global South lived during the 20th century.
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Rise of Asia: Political Economy of Development
The economies of many Asian countries have grown rapidly over the last several decades. This course will study the political and economic pathways travelled by select Asian countries on their road to prosperity. The focus will be on three specific countries: South Korea, China and India. We will analyze comparatively the models of development pursued in these countries, especially the state's role in promoting growth and distribution.
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Theories of International Relations
Examination of selected theories and issues of international relations including the following: causes of war, theories of imperialism, the issue of order and change, the relationship of morality and statecraft. Course readings drawn from historical and theoretical materials. Two lectures, one preceptorial.
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International Organizations
This course is about cooperation and sacrifice - at the international level. The focus is on intergovernmental organizations: the United Nations, the World Bank, the IMF, and regional organizations like the European Union and the AIIB. We will examine their origins and effectiveness, with attention to the political interests of powerful members - like the United States and China - as well as smaller developing countries. To illustrate analytical tools, the course pedagogic approach involves references to pop culture, including films like Wonder Woman, Dark Knight, and The Godfather, as well as music by Adele, Bob Marley, and others.
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Science and Democracy
Are science and democracy mutually supporting communities of inquiry, or are they antithetical in their rival commitments to expertise and equality respectively? This question illustrates the questions to be pursued, about the fundamental principles and models of science and democracy; the relations between them; and the roles and responsibilities of scientists, policymakers, and citizens. This is a course in political theory and normative reasoning that will integrate perspectives from the philosophy of science, science and technology studies, and case studies, accessible to students with backgrounds both inside and outside natural science.
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The Ethics of Borders and Migration
Migration places into sharp relief the question of how to balance the rights of sovereign states and their citizens against the claims of (often-needy) foreigners. Should self-governing peoples be free to set their own migration policies and control their territorial borders without interference? Or ought they instead to be constrained by a "human right to immigrate?" This course will attempt to answer these questions, in part by theorizing foundational issues of self-determination, boundaries, national culture, and membership. We will also take up contemporary debates about guestworkers, irregular migrants, refugees, and brain drain.
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Seminar in Political Theory
Investigation of a major theme in political theory. Reading and intensive discussion of selected issues in the literature. One three-hour seminar.
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Seminar in Political Theory
Investigation of a major theme in political theory. Reading and intensive discussion of selected issues in the literature. One three-hour seminar.
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Seminar in Political Theory
Investigation of a major theme in political theory. Reading and intensive discussion of selected issues in the literature. One three-hour seminar.
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Seminar in Political Theory
Investigation of a major theme in political theory. Reading and intensive discussion of selected issues in the literature. One three-hour seminar.