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Elementary Japanese I
An introduction to modern Japanese stressing oral-aural facility but including an introduction to written Japanese. Two classes, three hours of drill and conversation. No credit is given for JPN 101 unless followed by JPN 102.
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Elementary Japanese II
A continuation of 101. An introduction to modern Japanese still stressing oral-aural facility but including an introduction to written Japanese. Prerequisite: JPN 101. Five 50-minutes classes.
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Intermediate Japanese I
Continued study of modern Japanese by consistent review and reinforcement of major grammatical points and more advanced vocabulary and grammar. This course will develop conversational as well as reading and writing skills. Prerequisite: JPN 102 or equivalent. Five 50-minute classes.
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Intermediate Japanese II
A continuation of JPN 105. The course aims at a thorough mastery of modern Japanese by consistent review and reinforcement of major grammatical points. Emphasis will increasingly be on reading; however oral work will still comprise fundamental aspect of the course. Prerequisite: JPN 105 or equivalent. Five 50-minute classes.
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Advanced Japanese I
Further reading in modern written Japanese with subsidiary grammatical and oral-aural training. The course covers some authentic materials and includes videotaped materials to increase oral-aural comprehension. Three 80-minute classes.
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Advanced Japanese II
A continuation of 301. Further reading in modern written Japanese with subsidiary grammatical and oral-aural training. The course covers some authentic materials and includes videotaped materials to increase oral-aural comprehension. Prerequisite: JPN 301. Three 80-minute classes.
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Integrative Advanced Japanese I
Designed to enhance reading, writing, and oral skills of students who need class work to achieve proficiency. Prerequisites: JPN 302 or its equivalent. Two 90-minute classes.
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Integrative Advanced Japanese II
A continuation of JPN 305. Designed to enhance reading, writing, and oral skills of students who need class work to achieve advanced proficiency level. Prerequisites: JPN 305 or its equivalent. Two 90-minutes classes.
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Readings in Modern Japanese I
This course is targeted to students whose Japanese proficiency is at an advanced or superior level. Students will discuss various issues using dramas, short novels, and editorials, and learn Japanese in academic or professional settings. Prerequisite: JPN 306 or equivalent. Two 90-minute classes.
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Readings in Modern Japanese II
Selected readings from short stories, essays, and newspapers. Two 90-minute classes. Prerequisite: 401 or instructor's permission.