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Displaying 11 - 20 of 20
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Introduction to Classical Japanese
Introduction to the fundamentals of classic Japanese grammar. This course trains students to read premodern Japanese historical and literary texts. Texts: Taketori monogatari, Makura no soshi, Tosa nikki, etc. Prerequisite: two years of modern Japanese. Three hours.
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Readings in Classical Japanese
Close reading of selected premodern Japanese texts from Nara to Meiji. Texts: Oku no hosomichi, Uji shui monogatari, etc. Prerequisite: 403 or instructor's permission. Three hours.
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Contemporary Japanese Language and Culture I
This course emphasizes continued development of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) used in academic or professional settings. Materials include novels, essays, reports, films, and documentaries. Prerequisite: JPN 402 or equivalent.
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Contemporary Japanese Language and Culture II
A continuation of JPN 407. This course emphasizes continued development of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) used in academic or professional settings. Materials include novels, essays, reports, films, and documentaries. Prerequisite: JPN 407 or equivalent.
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Intermediate Japanese I in Japan
A four-week intensive language course taught in Ishikawa, Japan, equivalent to 105. Continued intensive study of modern Japanese. This course will develop conversational skills. Audio- and videotaped materials will be used for aural comprehension. Prerequisite: 102 or equivalent.
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Intermediate Japanese II in Japan
A four-week intensive language course taught in Ishikawa, Japan, equivalent to 107. A continuation of 105. Continued study of modern Japanese. This course will develop conversational skills. Audio- and videotaped materials will be used to develop aural comprehension. Prerequisite: 105.
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Advanced Japanese I in Japan
A four-week intensive language course taught in Ishikawa, Japan, equivalent to 301. Further reading in modern written Japanese with subsidiary grammatical and oral-aural training. The course covers some authentic materials and includes videotaped materials to increase oral-aural comprehension.
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Advanced Japanese II in Japan
A four-week intensive language course taught in Ishikawa, Japan, equivalent to 302. A continuation of 301. Further reading in modern written Japanese with subsidiary grammatical and oral-aural training. The course some authentic materials and includes videotaped materials to increase oral-aural comprehension. Prerequisite: 301.
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Readings in Selected Fields I
Designed to give students who have had advanced training in modern Japanese an opportunity for directed readings in their own fields. Three classes. Prerequisite: 402 or instructor's permission.
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Readings in Selected Fields II
Designed to give students who have had advanced training in modern Japanese an opportunity for directed readings in their own fields. Three classes. Prerequisite: 402 or instructor's permission.